Wednesday, 25 June 2014

My first blog

Well, here goes, my first blog post.

I started this purely for my own use and to keep track of the books that I read.  I am and have always been an avid reader with my earliest memories of reading under the covers by torch light so my sister couldn't tell on me to my mum; she always found out though because she used to find me having fallen asleep reading.

As I got older, I lost my way a little with reading and it went by the wayside but this was rekindled when I had my children.  I wanted them to grow up with the same sense of excitement of starting a new book and that unmistakable smell that goes with it.  I am pleased to say that both my children enjoy reading although my daughter more so than my son, and I hope they pass on this pleasure to their children one day ... although lets hope this doesn't happen too soon.

I still love the smell of books, both old and new, but have moved over to the darkside (!) and have the Kindle App on my Google Nexus.  It has taken some getting used to and although I don't get the same feeling when I read it, I still love a new book and have bagged some real bargains by keeping my eyes and ears open to special offers, free downloads and advance copies for review that author's send out prior to publication.

I have also recently started to share my thoughts on the books that I read.  I am always honest and even if I don't enjoy the book, I always find a positive there somewhere.  I am a believer that you learn more from your mistakes than successes and a bit of constructive criticism is a good thing.

Anyway, I think that'll do for my first post and will be back when I have finished reading my next book.

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